Asset Manager Reliance On Human Judgement Vs Machine
Asset management is the industry most reliant on human judgement according to a recent data analytics study. But this isn't the only judgement that should be relied on. Read more on how we should enhance our judgement with machines.
Asset management is the industry most reliant on human judgement according to a recent Price Waterhouse study on Data Analytics.
Asset managers rely on human judgement 3x more than the next industry. For an industry with some of the best and brightest, we seem to be far behind. There is no expectation that this will happen overnight, but at a bare minimum we need to be experimenting with ways to enhance our judgement with machines.
Alpha Theory has been doing just that for over 10 years and our clients have outperformed the average hedge fund by over 2x. Getting started is not hard. Adopting “machine” does not require a wholesale change as all of our clients operate with Man + Machine. What it does require is an acceptance that Man alone is generally inferior to Man + Machine and a cultural embrace of the “machine” as an enhancement to the daily judgements we all make.
The reliance on human judgement will fall over time for asset managers. Do not be the last the change.